Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Swim & Swirl

It is getting to that point in our loooooong Vermont winter when thoughts of summer abound. Time for a warm weather story.

One day, a few years back, I was pondering something imponderable and doodling away with my usual repeating spiral motif. Later that same day, while sorting some family photos, I came across this snapshot of me, happy as a clam, poolside. Check out the design on my little swimsuit. Yup. Spirals. Water and spirals, two of my favorite things. Oh, and of course the dot.

So, today I give you little Judy in her spiral swimsuit poolside, and a video I made last summer during my Gathering Winooski Project, where dots and water create spirals and art!

I think in this case the picture and the video are worth at least a thousand words.
